Fare Thee Well…not Goodbye!

My Premium WordPress subscription expires in 14 hours, so this may be my last post on Tao of Scrumble. :-/

I’d like to send grateful thanks to my loyal ‘Tao’ followers, who have supported me so wisely and kindly ~ particularly when my path became rocky. I feel as though I’m moving on now and that my world is opening up for the better.

But all is not lost. Since I made my decision to ressurect ‘Wightrabbit’s Blog’ I have become enthusiatic about the whole blogging process once more. I’m not sure why as it’s a bit of a retro~step and that’s not generally thought of as a good thing. It feels like the right move for me to make though ~ so I’m going with my gut feelings.

I’ve redesigned the theme, updated my bio and I’m already  drafting future posts in my mind. So, if you’d like to stay in touch, please follow this link and join me on my paradise island!

Looking forward to meeting you there!



NurturingThursday 99

‘Over every mountain there is a path, athough it may not always be seen from the valley.’ ~ Theodore Roethke

IMG_0260Watercolour and Wax Resist by Martin King

This painting ~ by my husband Martin ~ illustrates how I’ve been feeling about the current situation in the UK. Enough has been said and written about last Thursday’s EU referendum, so I’m not going to add to the confusion ~ I’ll let the picture speak for me!

The quote above it (shared on Facebook by Serendipity Corner) reminded me that there is usually a solution to the most challenging of situations, even if we aren’t able to see that at the time.

So I’m focusing on the welcoming light in the little cottage and trusting that we will be guided safely over the mountain of chaos facing our country right now. May you be guided on your path too!


Nurturing Thursday’ is hosted by Becca Givens, author of the inspiring blog On Dragonfly Wings with Buttercup Tea. If you would like to learn more about it please visit her site.

N.B. Due to the expiration of my Premium WordPress Subscription this site might not be available after Monday 4th July 2016. If so please come and visit me on Wightrabbit’s Blog.







disappearing down the rabbit hole…?

The Premium subscription to my domain taoofscrumble.com  expires soon. I have been debating the way forward for some time and have decided not to renew it ~ so it will most likely be inaccessible from next Monday, July 4th. It may revert to taoofscrumble.wordpress.com  but I’m not entirely sure how that will affect the content or my following because the communcation I’ve received the WordPress Happiness Engineer differs from the automated message that keeps popping up, now that the end date is looming. We’ll just have to wait and see ~ how exciting! 😉

I no longer have the same drive that prompted me to start this (second) blog ~ over the last couple of years life has evolved in ways I could never have predicted, causing me to abandon ‘best laid plans’ more than once. Casual daydreams have remained just that ~ entertaining diversions not destined to become reality. Even some of my long~held beliefs and opinions have been overturned by changing circumstances ~ much to my surprise!

So the title ‘Tao of Scrumble’ doesn’t feel quite as relevant as it did when I was exploring different creative avenues with abandon. Several years on I’ve  eliminated those crafts which are no longer appealing or possible ~ I can’t even ‘scrumble’ (free~flow knitting and crocheting) for long these days. But rather than mourning unfulfilled ambitions, I’m focusing on activities which work well for me and give me a joy and I would like to write about them and post photographs.

I briefly considered starting a new blog, with a more appropriate name ~ ‘Tao of Sitting On The Sofa Not Managing Much At All’ maybe? Then I remembered that I already have another one. When I took my first, faltering foray into the blogoshpere it was anonymously on Wightrabbit’s Blog. I haven’t published a post on that one for some time  ~ but I’ve checked and it’s still live!

So if Tao of Scrumble does disappear down the rabbit hole next Monday have no fear. Jump after it, like Alice, and you will find me there!



Nurturing Thursday 98

I’ve been struggling to write a ‘Nurturing Thursday” post all day. After last week’s flying kick~start, I appear to have slowed right down so in the end I gave up and decided to visit some of the blogs that I follow and catch up with my cyber~buddies.

It’s been fun virtually reconnecting, having a laugh and sharing similar experiences. When I read Sue Dreamwalker’s post about taking time out to play with her imaginative granddaughter, I remembered how it feels to cuddle my own Amazing Grace:

Grace and I Grace and I at my daughter’s 40th birthday party on Saturday.

I may not be the worlds most consistent blogger and I may be frustrated by that ~ but when that little free spirit runs towards me calling, ‘Amma!’ (her name for me) none of that matters, except for the love flowing freely between us and nurturing us both!


“Nurturing Thursday’ is hosted by Becca Givens, author of the inspiring blog On Dragonfly Wings with Buttercup Tea. If you would like to learn more about it please visit her site.


Nurturing Thursday 97


shared on Facebook by Positive Outlooks

I know that if I skip my daily qigong exercises, eat foods that disagree with me, forget to drink enough water or try to burn the candle at both ends I end up tired, fractious and unable to function properly. So this quote by baseball player Leon Brown is particularly relevant for me ~ and for Nurturing Thursday!

Look after yourself!


“Nurturing Thursday’ is hosted by Becca Givens, author of the inspiring blog On Dragonfly Wings with Buttercup Tea. If you would like to learn more about it please visit her site.


Bring on the Golden Years!

It’s been ages since I visited the Blogosphere and now I’m here I’m not entirely sure what to say. I’ve made a couple of false starts but one thing or another seems to get in the way, and weeks go by without me typing a single word.

One of my biggest blocks is that I always like to be positive, glossing over bouts of chronic pain and the resulting ‘brain fog’. In fact I’ve been in denial that I do suffer from an inflammatory condition that affects my creative output, preferring to celebrate minor accomplishments ~ like being able to chop up an onion or pull a handful of weeds from the garden (seriously!) ~ rather than whinge about my latest flare~up. It’s not consistent ~ on good days it’s easy to believe I’m ‘getting better’ and to try and catch up on neglected tasks all at once. But I’ve discovered that pacing myself and taking frequent breaks ~ even if I’m feeling fine ~ is more effective in the long run than working to the point of collapse.

I’ve been learning to accept my limitations for a couple of years but there’s been one major change recently. Martin had to retire in March, on health grounds of his own ~ so we’ve both been adjusting to that.

It’s weird not having to follow a timetable ~ Martin’s work schedule used to affect how I organised my days. I’d do as much housework as I could manage, prepare the evening meal and walk Indie round the block while he was visiting clients, so that he could relax when he came home. Now we share the household tasks then take the dog for a stroll before choosing how to spend the rest of the day ~ artwork… gardening… riding out on the Harley?

DSC_3700 (1)

We both know how lucky we are and rather than bemoaning the disadvantages of growing old we’re celebrating what Martin likes to call our ‘Golden Years’, (although, considering the colour of our hair, ‘Silver’ might be a more accurate description!) And while our income has shrunk to a couple of small pensions, we’re ‘time rich’ and have more energy to devote to our home, the garden and creative pursuits.

At first we had to keep reminding each other that this isn’t just a holiday; that we don’t have to cram everything into a fortnight, that we have all the time in the world to do as we please. And we plan to take full advantage of that, for however long as it lasts!

Now that we’re settling into the new (lack of) routine I’m getting to grips with those tasks that I kept sidelining for ‘later’. Like learning to use new technology, organising my digital photo library and tidying up my email accounts.

I’d also like to publish more frequent posts on Wordpress, now that I’ve definitely decided that I’m not going to retire from that too! I apologise for my lack of engagement lately but I’m already looking forward to visiting my favourite blogs, tapping back into the on~line community and enjoying the friendship and support of other writers, like I have in the past.

I’ll let you know how that works out!






Nurturing Thursday 96

IMG_1819 (1)

Design by Rob Ryan

The above Valentine card, printed on board made from responsible sources, was produced by The Climate Coalition ~ ‘an enormous group of people working together for action on climate change…..over 100 organisations with over 15 million supporters from all over the UK.’

You can visit their website at www.ShowTheLove.org.uk to find out more and to watch a ‘spine~tingling’ short film based on ‘A Love Letter From A Grandpa’ from author Michael Morpurgo to his granddaughter Mia, which is printed inside the card.

‘ …I wish for you, little Mia, and for all children everywhere, a world, a new world without war and waste, where children like you will be able to breathe in good clean air, drink clear fresh water, grow and eat only what we need, no more, learn to share all we have so that no one anywhere goes hungry.’ 

Although this is a United Kingdom initiative and Valentines Day has come and gone, we can still ‘Show the Love’, wherever we live:

‘We have to learn to  love our earth again, love her as much as I love you and you love me. For you and I, we are a part of this living planet, the guardians, part of the earth’s great family. 


Nurturing Thursday was created by Becca Givens ~ to bring a shot of uplifting positivity to the blogosphere. To read her inspiring posts and learn about how to join in, please visit her inspiring blog On Dragonfly Wings With Buttercup Tea






Nurturing Thursday 95


Shared by Evolver Social Movement on Facebook

This quote inspires me ~ particularly the use of the word ‘stumble’ in between ‘soar’ and ‘flourish’. It takes away the fear of so~called failure and frees us up to learn what’s right for us, so that we can live a ‘glorious life.’ 


Nurturing Thursday was created by Becca Givens ~ to bring a shot of uplifting positivity to the blogosphere. To read her inspiring posts and learn about how to join in, please visit her inspiring blog On Dragonfly Wings With Buttercup Tea.

Kaboodle Doodle Number 6

When Gilly, author of the excellent blog Lucid Gypsy, read my last Kaboodle Doodle she commented that she didn’t understand the ‘chocolate box’ reference. So I thought I’d better explain.

Anyone who has ever given me a present knows that I’m excited by the wrapping paper and ribbons almost as much as what they conceal. I save them ~ not to wrap my gifts to other people, like my grandmother did (although if you iron them they can save the day in an emergency)  ~ but for future art and craft projects.

It doesn’t stop there ~ I think about the potential of all my ‘rubbish’, before (reluctantly) consigning it to the recycling bin. Plastic containers, glass jars and bottles, labels from items of clothing…..etc…..etc….. get stashed on shelves and in empty shoe boxes and ~ until they started charging us 5p for each one ~ plastic carrier bags. Which is why it takes an entire building to house my collection of art materials.

I’ve even been influenced to buy certain products, based on the desirability of the packaging ~ £1 shop chocolates being an excellent example:IMG_1799

Once we’d scoffed the contents, which tasted surprisingly good, the empty box reminded me of a deep~sided picture frame:


So I masked the holes on the inside and papered over the cracks……


…..primed it, painted it and added special effects ~ the one below (yes, I bought several more) has had a coat of home~made moulding paste slapped all over it and the protective material from some flat~pack furniture wrapped around the edges, to give it a more rustic feel:IMG_1806.jpg

So there you have it ~ empty chocolate box picture frame done!

Now all that’s left  is to decide what I’m going to put in it. Maybe it will end up with hearts and flowers, like Kaboodle Doodle Number 5.

Or perhaps it’ll turn out like this:

Kaboodle Doodle Number 6 ~ The Circles of My Mind


The design in the middle was originally intended as part of a larger, Steampunk~themed project but when it didn’t fit in as well as I’d hoped, I decided to use it as a stand~alone piece. Martin created the background of cogs, which I distressed with used tea~bags; the studs around the edge are dead batteries and the washers, nuts and other round thingamajigs were simply lying around.

Putting it together was so relaxing that I didn’t have to concentrate too much. I could allow my thoughts to wander while my hands worked and suddenly it was done ~ hence the title, ‘The Circles of My Mind.’

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m just popping into town for another box of bargain chocolates.


p.s. I’m lying ~ I gave up refined sugar weeks ago, so the current ‘chocbox’ series will be a strictly ‘limited edition.’


Nurturing Thursday 94


Blue Moon Reiki on Facebook

This message follows on beautifully from the one I posted for Nurturing Thursday last week.

Cultivate and nurture your true self!


Nurturing Thursday was created by Becca Givens ~ to bring a shot of uplifting positivity to the blogosphere. To read her inspiring posts and learn about how to join in, please visit her inspiring blog On Dragonfly Wings With Buttercup Tea.